Live Rehearsals 2021
You will be happy to know that Rosenethe rehearsals will be resuming on 25 August - but there is a change to start with.
Because there are restrictions on the capacity of the Cathedral Halls, we are having to split the choir into two groups and meet on alternate weeks. Each group is listed below.
We have also put in place the following arrangements, to minimize risk and also to make the choir feel as safe as possible. A copy of the risk assessment which will also be provided to the Cathedral Halls has been emailed to members.
1. Don’t come if you have symptoms or if any member of your household has symptoms, or if you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID in the last 7 days.
2. We would also ask that only members who have been double vaccinated against COVID should attend.
3. We will be starting rehearsals at 8pm, to allow for cleaning, and the Halls have asked that we try to arrive no more than 5 minutes in advance. You will need to queue outside the main door (entrance at the main doors up the steps at the Bishops Palace) where one of the Committee will check you in. We aim to finish at 9.30.
4. We are meeting in the main Cathedral Hall on the ground floor, not upstairs. There is one door for both entry and exit.
5. You should sanitise your hands on entry and wear face masks when you enter and exit and when moving around (e.g. going to the toilet). Chairs will be set out in advance socially distanced. Please go straight to the seat with your number on (see below for your seat number) - and please don’t walk around.
6. We will probably not have a break/only a short break and won’t have coffee/tea, so please bring your own water or drinks.
7. Kevin has split the choir in two groups to allow for balance of parts. If you can’t come one week, you can try and swap with someone else in your own voice part (e.g. 2nd Altos) but please let Beth or Beverly know: (07523 872852) (07791 046822)
Please do NOT let Kevin or Lynn know directly.
8. Also, if you can’t come at all some weeks, please let Beth or Beverly know in advance.
Season 2021-2022
In the continuing uncertainty over what restrictions will be imposed on any hire of the Cathedral, we have decided that an October concert is impractical. Instead, we have been invited to join the Cathedral Choir to perform Handel’s Messiah on Sunday, 21st November and are looking forward to this return to live music.
Please bring your own copy of this music to rehearsals and any Nordic music you have from spring.
Christmas Concert at Gleneagles - isn't that something to dream of?