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Data Protection
*******Apologies, this section is out of date*******

Personal data is information relating to an identifiable living individual. Whenever personal data is processed, collected, recorded, stored or disposed of it must be done within the terms of the Data Protection Act (DPA). source: 


The Committee must ensure compliance with the GDPR.


It has been researching the requirements and has produced two important documents for Rosenethe Singers, in line with guidance from 'Making Music'.


For your information, Rosenethe Singers' full Data Protection and Retention Policy is available below for you to read &/or download to your own device.


In order to comply with the new GDPR, everyone in the choir needs to give active consent for Rosenethe Singers to hold their personal details on file.


A Privacy Statement has been produced and is available below for you to read and save to your own device. 

You can email the form to Catherine Isherwood:

It is imperative that you complete and return the form otherwise the Committee are not allowed to hold your details on the database and will be unable to contact you regarding choir activities. Apologies if this seems rather harsh, we have no choice.

If you have any queries about any of this, or any other matters relating to data protection, Catherine will do her best to help:

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