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Spring Concert, Sunday, 12th May 2019
Dunblane Cathedral @ 7.30pm
Enjoy a fabulous evening of music as Kevin Duggan conducts Rosenethe Singers in a performance of two connected works - they are both Masses, both were written by opera composers, both contain an extended fugue to the words Cum sancto spiritu and both contain memorable tunes!
G. Rossini
Petite Messe Solennelle
G. Puccini
Messa di Gloria
Accompanying Rosenethe Singers will be four talented young soloists, Ursula Bambruch (Soprano), Lauren Young (Alto), Robin Horgan (Tenor) and Jolyon Loy (Bass), with a welcome return of the excellent pianist, Ingrid Sawers and Robin Bell on Harmonium.

Robin Bell (Harmonium)

Ursula Bambuch (Soprano)

Lauren Young (Alto)

Robin Bell (Harmonium)
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